16 Warning 17 Error 18 BWC script error 64 CBN version mismatch: File is v%u (this plug-in requires v%u) 65 Base CBN file does not appear to be valid. 66 Could not open base CBN file for reading. 67 Could not open target file for writing. 68 Error on line %u for "%s" command:\n 69 The .BWC script had errors. Please fix them. 70 Could not open BWC file for reading. 71 Error reading mesh file. 72 Error reading remainder file. 256 The skeleton, mesh, or materials are not loaded.\nPlease load your base model before compiling. 257 Please select a .BWC file. 258 Please select a base .L3D file. 259 Please select a base .CBN file. 260 Please select an output .CBN file. 261 The base .CBN and output .CBN files are the same.\nThey should be different files. 262 Please select an output .HD file. 384 Select BWC script... 385 Select base L3D model... 386 Select base CBN/HBN file... 387 Select output CBN/HBN file... 388 Select output HD file... 400 .CBN (Creature data) 401 .HD (HelpDude) 512 Not enough parameters. (Should be at least %u.) 513 Too many parameters. (Should be no more than %u.) 514 Wrong number of parameters, or bad parameters given. 515 Filename "%s" is too long.\nIt must be shorter than %u characters. 516 Unrecognized model name "%s" 517 No such mesh named "%s"\n(mesh names are case-sensitive) 518 There is a maximum of %u tattoos allowed. 519 No such type: "%s"\n(must be "good", "evil", or "base") 520 The command name "%s" is invalid for that block. 521 Invalid segment name "%s" 522 There is a maximum of %u eyes allowed. 523 The segment type "%s" is only allowed for %s files. 524 There is a maximum of %u "%s" segment(s) for %s files.